est. 1965 

Community Preschool    

301 Chestnut St., Roselle Park, NJ     

Telephone: 908.245.8651



    "Where Learning Through Play is Serious Business"​​​

  Only Tue/Th left for the 4s class!


 The School Handbook 2024-25 

 contains important information

 about our policies and regulations.

 The Summer 2025 pamphlet

focuses on our Summer Sessions.

  For a complete list of recalls   

  please visit the U.S. Consumer 

  Product Safety Commission

  Website at:

  Need Financial Help?

  The New Jersey Child Care Subsidy

  program helps income eligible parents 

  who are in school or working to pay for

  child care.  

  For information on the application 




       At the time of registration please hand in:

  • Registration Form completed and signed (see above)
  • $60 *Administration Fee 
  • $40 *student supplies and cleaning fees (*fees are non-refundable)​​   


    By August 1st, 2025, the following must be completed to confirm your child's registration:

  1.      Full payment of the *Security Deposit ​(1 month tuition: will become your June 2026 payment) 
  2.      Immunization Records  (The influenza vaccination is required by law each year, by December 31)
  3.      Universal Health Record  (to be completed by the child's pediatrician) 
  4.      The Sick Child Policy completed and signed
  5.      The Parent Checklistcompleted and signed


Your child may not begin school without all of the paperwork completed properly and handed to the office.


A welcome letter with information about the first few days of school will be emailed to your family in August. We strongly encourage you to attend our orientation the first day of school. Our school calendar can be found here.  

You may request to have your child added to our waitlist. To do so, please submit a completed registration form along with the Universal Health Form, Immunization form filled out and dated by your child's doctor, and a $100 registration/supplies fee. When space becomes available, it is given to the child whose schedule best fits the school's needs.


Center Policy for Screening: All parents will indicate verbally at drop off that their child does not have a temperature or symptoms of COVID-19. If a parent is unable to verify this information, center staff will screen the child. All staff will self-screen upon entrance.

    2025-2026 Registration 

                           Click the link(s) below to complete the form(s) you need.